Sunday, June 21, 2020

Letters to Mike 2

September 12, 1967 Letter to Mike Biddle

Hi Mike,

Found your letter in the bottom of my mail bag along with a bunch of dizzy dames’ letters.

Our body count is now 58 or so; still only those 3 SRVNs killed on our side. Nothing spectacular though. I am carrying a machine gun now, but don’t think that doesn’t’ get heavy after carrying it all day. I’ve had bullets come so close they whizzed in the air as they went past, and had them kick up the dirt in front of me. Send me an airline ticket for Germany.

I’ll tell you of our last operation, but it’s been so long since we’ve actually gone out, I’ve forgotten what happened. We’ve been having ꙳꙳꙳ [brass] coming down to inspect us and everything. We have the best record of any unit of this type in Viet Nam (quote from a 2 star) and even Westmoreland has asked to be briefed on our operations. We’re attracting attention. But because of that we’re also being fucked with chicken shit inspections, etc.

They’re trying to make a beat-up tent in Viet Nam a barracks at Ft. Knox. And a platoon of sloppy combat troops who get shot at, get wet and tired after an operation and don’t want to be fucked with, who wear camouflage “tiger fatigues” and black berets with special C.R.I.P. insignia (Combined Reconnaissance Intelligence Platoon, - or Committee for Racially Integrated Prostitution) are supposed to be perfect example of garrison troopers, neat HAIRCUTS, SHINED BOOTS (with no shit). We’re getting fucked with because we’re doing our job better than everybody else. By generals, etc., who forget there’s a war on.

So much for the soap box.

Keep writing; every time I answer I’ll describe our latest operation, that’s the best way to let you know what’s happening.

“All our medics” (one) is a Spec 5 who’s been everywhere in his 5 years in the Army – real nice guy but I don’t imagine he can remember where he took training let alone what company. [must be answering a previous question asked in a letter].

I heard about Baden, got the same article you did. He was also my 1st I knew personally to be killed. There have been none in our won unit except the three ARVNs but they don’t count” after all it’s THEIR war.

I’m glad you include your fiancĂ©e in your wedding plans. Will she be with you in Germany or with someone else (what)? Congratulations and all that. I’ll be there for sure on your second ceremony.

I’ll be home in June (2nd or 3rd) unless they don’t want to pay me the $65 hostile fire pay for only two days of the month. If that’s the case, I’ll leave in May and maybe just after your wedding. Everyone who has left here since I’ve been here has been given a 7 day drop, some as much as 16 days. No telling where I’ll go afterwards – most likely (and hopefully) Ft. Knox again – you know why.

I should get a 30 day leave that’s automatic, but I only got 13 days before coming here and they tell me that they try to make up anything under 30 days before coming here on the 30 days after you leave. In other words, I might have 47 days leave. Wish you could be home at the same time.

My birthday was Aug 23 – yours was the 20th, right? Let me guess HBT (how ‘bout that)!

Sounds like your pussy has the same abundance, easy access, and disease as ours, but I’m sure they HAVE to have more class. You’d better stay away anyway; after all, you’re engaged.

Oh, I forgot, basic training is worthless as far as fighting goes. Not surprised, are you? Wrong weapon for one thing. It does teach you how to live with the Army – discipline, etc., but any other value is non-existent. All A.I.T. [advanced individual training] did for me was to get me out of shape for walking so much. But a couple of days in the paddies takes care of that. I’m doing an infantry job – wish I’d had an infantry AIT. That might have helped some, but I really doubt it.

What’s life like over in Germanland. Are you free? Nice barracks? Chicken shit operation like Ft. Knox? Not just for you but everybody. How many body count (enemy) have you had (sorry, I forgot you guys use blanks)?

Dear God! Biddle, I hope to hell you spend all the time you’re supposed to over there and don’t get sent here. It could happen and I wouldn’t be betting any money it won’t. I’m not being bitter, just doing a little worrying for you. Hope it helps.  It IS good training for the riots etc., back in the world though.  (Maybe a little safer).

FTGDABBC; IPGTCT! [No idea what this means other than silly nonsense}

(Here there is a Unit Crest) Roughly our crest. Guess who designed it. My first command art assignment!


P.S. Turn page for a P.P.S.

As advertised: PPS Your lucky I’m writing back. When I write to the world (USA) it’s free. Anything outside the world is regular postage.

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